I would really like to get the laundry downstairs taken care of. There are a lot of clothes that appear to not ever be used. Could you put those up or something? That would rock. If I end up doing it, well... I do not think you want me to do it, you should know my style So yeah, that would be great, and you are welcome for the cuddles last night. I hope your day is well, or crappy, whichever one you prefer.
What hours does the Farmer's Market have on Saturday? If you type something (maybe two things) in the shoutbox, I do believe that I will hear it beep. I now hear that they are doing meetings regarding non work related things on desks. This will most likely be the same meeting that we have gotten multiple times, where we "obey" for a month or so, then go back to our ways some time after. They are not the boss of Tiger Bot Hesh.
So yeah, laundry would be wonderful, very much so.